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If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact Terry @ (780) 764-3912
4824 - 118 Avenue - Edmonton, AB
© 2025 Stawnichy's Ukrainian Sausage. All rights reserved.
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Serve warm and enjoy
Boil: Place frozen perogies into boiling water, stir immediately. Allow water to return to a boil and perogies to float to the top. Reduce heat and simmer for an additional 2-4 minutes. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Rpmove with a slotted spoon. Drizzle melted butter or margarine to prevent perogies from sticking. DO NOT DEEP FRY.
Pan Fry: After boiling, or as leftovers, fry in oil or butter until golden brown.
Serving Suggestions: Try our sweet cream sauce recipe, which is especially good on blueberry perogies!
SWEET CREAM SAUCE: In a small saucepan, put 1 cup of whipping cream & 5 tablespoons of brown sugar on medium heat. Stir often to make sure cream does not burn. In a small bowl, put 2 tbsp. of cold water and 1 tsp. of cornstarch.
Mix until cornstarch is completely dissolved. When the cream mixture starts to boil, add cornstarch mixture and stir constantly. Bring back to a boil. Take off heat and drizzle over blueberry perogies and serve.
Preheat to 350 F (177 C), arrange cabbage rolls snugly, seam side down in a roasting pan or casserole dish lined with wax or parchment paper to prevent burning. It is optional to add fried onions overtop of the cabbage rolls. Bake for about 2-3 hours. Cabbages rolls are done when easily pierced by a fork.
If you are layering your cabbage rolls in a casserole dish add additional cook time and add 1/4 a cup of water and cover with a lid or foil to avoid drying out cabbage rolls.
SERVING SUGGESTION: Top with sautéed onions in butter and bacon bits.
TRADITIONAL TOMATO SAUCE: In a bowl mix one can of tomato soup, 3/4 cup of fried onions and 3/4 cup of water. Mix well. Pour over cabbage rolls and bake in the oven.
Preheat to 350 F (177 C), arrange cabbage rolls snugly, seam side down in a roasting pan or casserole dish lined with wax or parchment paper to prevent burning. It is optional to add fried onions overtop of the cabbage rolls. Bake for about 2-3 hours. Cabbages rolls are done when easily pierced by a fork.
If you are layering your cabbage rolls in a casserole dish add additional cook time and add 1/4 a cup of water and cover with a lid or foil to avoid drying out cabbage rolls.
SERVING SUGGESTION: Top with sautéed onions in butter and bacon bits.
TRADITIONAL TOMATO SAUCE: In a bowl mix one can of tomato soup, 3/4 cup of fried onions and 3/4 cup of water. Mix well. Pour over cabbage rolls and bake in the oven.
Boil: Bring water to a boil and add a pinch of salt. Place frozen perogies into boiling water while stirring occasionally until water returns to a boil and perogies float to the top. Reduce heat. Simmer for an additional 2 – 4 minutes. Do not overcook. Remove with a slotted spoon.
Drizzling melted butter or margarine to help prevent them from sticking is optional. Do not overcook or deep fry.
Pan Fry: After boiling, or as leftovers, fry in oil or butter until golden brown.
Microwave: the microwave is perhaps the best option for boiled perogies. perogies can be reheated in the oven or even fried but if you don’t prefer the fried style you should use the microwave. Lay the pierogies flat on a microwave-safe plate and heat for 2-3 minutes.
Serving Suggestions: Top with sautéed butter and onions, sour cream, bacon bits, salsa or other favourites.
Oven: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Lay perogies on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes or until warm all the way through. Flip perogies over after 10 minutes of baking.
Microwave: the microwave is perhaps the best option for boiled pierogies. Boiled can be reheated in the oven or even fried but if you don’t prefer the fried style you should use the microwave. Lay the pierogies flat on a microwave-safe plate and heat for 3 minutes. Check them and turn them every 30 seconds. If they appear to be done before time is over, do not continue to heat.
Oven method #1: Layer thawed cheese crepes in a greased casserole dish. Sprinkle dill on top. Pour whip cream to almost cover crepes. Bake in a 350 F oven until crepes puff up.
Oven Method #2: Preheat oven to 300 F. Using a greased casserole dish, place thawed crepes in oven and cover. Bake for approximately 30 minutes until hot.
Before serving, pour cream dill sauce over crepes.
Microwave: Place crepes in a covered microwavable dish. Heat on medium heat.
Pour cream dill sauce over crepes before serving.
CREAMY DILL SAUCE RECIPE: Bring whipping cream to a boil. Add dill, salt & pepper to taste. Thicken with flour or cornstarch that has been dissolved with whip cream or half and half cream. Stir until cream resumes boiling.
Oven: Preheat oven to 350 F. and place cheese buns in a casserole dish and cover. Dot with margarine. Heat in oven until hot. Serve with creamy dill sauce.
Microwave: Place cheese buns in a covered microwaveable dish and cover. Heat on medium heat.
CREAMY DILL SAUCE RECIPE: Bring whipping cream to a boil. Add dill, salt & pepper to taste. Mix flour or cornstarch with cold water and whip cream to thicken the sauce. Bring back to a boil.
Use a stovetop or microwave to warm up soup before serving.
Use a stovetop or microwave to heat up soup before serving. Add a dollop of sour cream to the soup and fresh chopped dill to make Baba proud.
SERVING SUGGESTION: Ready to eat, ideal for B.B.Q. Served in a bun or by itself or with a side of your favourite BBQ sauce or mustard. Any way you cut it, slice it, or cook it … trust me…you are going to love it